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Importer Security Filing (10+2 Regulation)
WCS International Inc. / World Class Shipping is pleased to announce that we are now able to accept, prepare and transmit required Importer Security Filing Data (ISF) for the benefit of all our import clients. This new regulation is aimed at prevention of terrorist weapons from being transported to the USA. This requirement became effective on January 26th 2009 although during the first year no penalties will be issued to importers for incomplete or late filings as long as importer shows a good faith effort to comply with regulation.
This new regulation known as ISF – Importer Security Filing is to be transmitted by importer or designated agent via electronic means 24 hours prior to container loading on vessel. There shall be 10-data elements to be required of importer with 2-data elements to be supplied by ocean carrier. This information will be transmitted to US Customs and Border Protection via our secure ABI Data Interface. WCS has prepared a template which should aid importers in gathering required data to allow WCS to input and transmit information timely to comply with regulation.
During this period of monitored compliance US Customs will be in essence grading importer on their timelines, accuracy and completeness of required data elements. It should be noted that failure to comply with this new regulation could possibly cause importers to see an increase in exams when full regulatory compliance goes into effect on January 26th 2010.
WCS will be here to assist all of our clients who may have question on this new regulation. We have prepared attached documentation to assist in understanding and preparing to comply with all these new requirements.
The Importer Security Filing Process
The designated “Importer Security Filer” is responsible to ensure the following information is transmitted to U.S. Customs and Border Protection within the allowed timeframe.
ISF + 10 Data Elements – U.S. Bound Cargo – 3461 Entries, I.T. FTZ
ISF Filing: 24 Hours Prior to Lading
(Information to be provided by the Vendor at time of Booking)
1. Importer of Record Number / Name, address (EIN, IRS, SSN or CBP assigned.)
2. Consignee Number / Name, address (EIN, IRS, SSN or CBP assigned.)
3. Seller (Owner) name, address (Last known entity by whom the goods are sold, DUNS# OK)
4. Buyer (Owner) name, address (Last known entity to whom the goods are sold DUNS# OK)
5. Ship to Party (EIN, IRS, SSN, , DUNS #of Actual address of delivery)
6. Manufacturer (Supplier) name / address (MID or DUNS # OK)
7. Country of Origin (Country of manufacturer, growth, production)
8. Commodity HTS-6 (Harmonized Tariff Number to Six digit level)
After the vessel sails, the ISF Importer is responsible to ensure the following information is transmitted to U.S. Customs and Border Protection no later than 24 hours before the vessel arrives at the first U.S. Port of Unlading.
24 Hours Prior to arrival at First USA Port
(Information to be provided by the Vendor, Carrier or Freight Forwarder after sailing)
9. Container Stuffing Location (Shipper or consolidator – where container was stuffed)
10. Consolidator name / address (Name of consolidator or shipper where container was stuffed)
The ISF Importer must ensure their ISF Agent and the carriers ISF Agents transmit the same bill of lading number to Customs for the 10+2 information to complete the ISF filing.
Transmission Identifier
The House bill of lading or Master Bill of Lading Number is the ISF Filing Transaction # 11
B/L Number or HBL ( Lowest level of AMS Bill of Lading info )
FAQʼs – Facts on 10+2
1. The Responsible Party to the accuracy of the filing:
The Importer
2. ISF Filing Agents:
The ISF Importer may designate an authorized agent to file the Importer Security Filing (ISF) on the Importerʼs behalf.
The ISF Agent must hold power of Attorney to file the data.
3. Automated Filing Systems available:
ABI (Automated Broker Interface)
AMS (Automated Manifest System)
4. ABI / AMS / CBP System Response Messages
A Unique Identification Number will be returned by CBP in response to all ISF filings
The BL used by the ISF Importer must match the carrierʼs BL per vessel filings to ensure the ISF Filing is successfully completed. CBP will issue this final response. The ISF Importer should request proof of this transmission by their broker as backup of compliance.
The lowest level of AMS Bill of Lading information should be transmitted. Failure to do so will result in
rejection of data
5. Bonds and Liability:
The ISF Importer must possess a bond or may file under their agentʼs bond. A system Is currently being worked out for Customs to accept single entry bonds. Our Bond vendor has not received word or instructions from CBP on this as of yet.
After the informed compliance period officially ends, the ISF Importer is bound to provide a complete, accurate and timely filing or risk facing liquidated damages in the amount of $5,000.00
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ISF 10+2 list of required fields. All must be completed so we can transmit and file this info with US Customs.
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Submitter Name
Importer Info
Consignee Info
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Seller Info
Buyer Info
Consignee / Ship to
Manufacturer Detail
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Product Detail
Origin Country:
HTS Number:
Freight Forwarder / Co-Loader
Container #